WAW Basic Anti-Shock
WAW Basic Anti-Shock
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The WAW Basic anti-shock protects both the dog and the handler from sudden jolts, while still enabling good control over the dog. Once you've tried it, you won't want to walk your dog without one!
The WAW anti-shock is easy to add to any leash. With WAW anti-shock, walking a dog becomes more relaxed and safer - for both parties. WAW has been found to absorb up to 40% of jerk force.
The WAW elastic is made of a very durable plastic alloy, which is why the feel is very different from looser elastics made of rubber bands: the sharpness of the jerks is reduced, but the control over the dog remains. The durability is also clearly better compared to a rubber band. There are several sizes of WAW, so that suitable damping can be found for a two-kilogram small dog as well as for an energetic representative of a giant breed.
What sets WAW apart from other springs is its progressive elasticity, which guarantees damping that gets stronger with the pull. When the dog jerks, the WAW flexes slowly and when the pull stops, it slowly returns to its shape - without the yo-yo effect. Thanks to WAW's sturdy, short elastic travel, the dog remains under the same control as with a non-elastic leash. WAW's materials also withstand time and wear: so it does not lose its elasticity like rubber bands.
Why use WAW anti-shock - regardless of the dog?
A dog often hides its pain. It does not mean that pulling on the leash or the dog rushing to the end of the leash does not cause the dog an unpleasant feeling, pain or different degrees of stiffness or injuries. Doctors have found that jolts cause micro-injuries to the dogs' necks and also expose the owner to joint injuries. WAW protects against these problems by dampening the jerk, gradually getting stronger, and preventing the excursion also during the recovery phase.
Even if your dog is a very calm walker, jerks cannot be avoided. All you have to do is walk forward normally and your dog will stop to sniff the ground without you noticing. The shock absorber is therefore useful for absolutely everyone!
WAW anti-shock:
- Protects the dog from cervical spine injuries. With an unelastic leash, the risk of micro-injuries to the cervical spine caused by jolts is greater.
- Protects the dog and it's human from sprains and joint injuries. Surprise jerks can lead to various wrist, shoulder, ankle and back injuries.
- Especially protects puppies during growth. The puppy's body is still in the development stage and walking on a leash can be full of tempo changes.
WAW durability
Each WAW size has been tested for endurance and stress tests (more than 100,000 jerks with 2-4 times stronger force than a dog can produce). WAW has been tested to work at temperatures from -10 to +50 degrees. Based on practical experience, the product has lasted well even in the Nordic winter.
WAW anti-shock size selection
The stiffness of WAW varies by size, so the choice of size is influenced by the dog's size, energy level and whether the product is used with a collar or a harness. In the product photos, there is a table provided by the manufacturer to facilitate size selection.
NOTE: WAW is significantly stiffer than traditional rubber band elastic (designed to efficiently absorb particularly hard jerks), so based on user experience, you can also choose a size smaller than the actual weight class for most dogs - especially if the dog weighs close to the size limit and has good leash manners. For example, the M size is well suited for calm dogs under 20 kg and the L size under 40 kg very calm dogs. When choosing a size, you should take into account your own dog's character, strength and, for example, game drive.
We are also happy to help you choose.
WAW lengths and weight including lock, unstretched:
- XXS: 16cm, 24g
- XS: 17.5 cm, 27 g
- S: 20 cm, 39 g
- M: 25 cm, 62 g
- W: 25 cm, 69 g
- XL: 29 cm, 99 g
- XXL: 32 cm, 121 g
Versions of WAW anti-shocks
There are two models of WAW anti-shock bungees: WAW Basic (7 sizes) with traditional snap lock and WAW Sport (4 sizes) without any metals parts. As the Sport model has no metal parts at all, it is therefore even lighter than the basic WAW and also suitable for sled dog sports. The stiffnesses are the same in both, but the Sport model only has sizes from M size onwards.
You can read more about the differences between WAW and traditional rubber bands in our blog article .
NOTE: Contrary to the product images, the color of WAW Basic is always black (not gray).

Ostettu M-kokoinen basic waw 6 kk ikäiselle ja reilu 10 kg lagottopojalle. Aivan loistava tuote. Vaikka meillä on rauhallinen ja hyväkäytöksinen pentu, niin joka lenkillä tulee kuitenkin jokin kiinnostava kohde, jota kohti lähdetään täysillä, ja tämä kyllä saa pahimmat nykäisyt vaimennettua erinomaisesti. Taluttimissakin on paljon eroa, mutta tämä on sopinut pikalenkkeihin flexin kanssa sekä pidemmille lenkeille erilaisten hihnojen kanssa.
XXS kokoinen oli sopivan kevyt reilu 3 kg koiralle.
Tuote vaikuttaa hyvälle mutta miksi toinen lukko on pistoolimallia. Tuote on tarkoitettu vetäjälle koiralle niin tuo mietityttää. Se on jo meillä kerran auennut.
Kiitos arvostelustasi! Samasta joustosta löytyy myös WAW Sport -malli, johon voi liittää haluamansa lukon, esim. karabiinin. Twistlock- ja ruuviportilliset karabiinit ovat yleisesti ottaen varmatoimisin lukkomalli eli niiden tarkoitukseton aukeaminen on lähes mahdotonta. Osa käyttäjistä sitten taas pitää perinteisistä pistoolilukoista, jollainen tässä Basic-mallissa on.
Äkkiä nykäisevän koiran kanssa ehdoton peli. Kunpa oisin jo vuosi pari sitten kuullut moisesta, olkapää voisi olla vielä kunnossa. Vähentää myös toiselle koiralle aiheutuvia nykäyksiä, kun ei ketjureaktion viimeisenä lenkkinä joudu riuhtomisen armoille.
Toimii kuten kuvauksessa on. Nykäisyt paljon pienempiä kuin ilman. Pitää muotonsa, eikä menetä joustoa.