Dear Symposium visitor,
We're here to help you to get the best gear for you and your dogs - from one place! Take a look at our selection and please contact us if you cannot find what you're looking for. We ship to all EU countries, and currently work on translating our site into English too.
Use your special discount before the end of Monday!
Also if you need bigger quantities now or later, just ask.
- team Traildog
Nice to know
Symposium Discount Campaign Rules
- Use the given code at the checkout page
- Discount only works if your cart is worth over 50 euros.
- If items are returned and the final total of the order drops below 50 euros, the discount will be deleted.
- Discount is calculated from normal prices. In other words it will not be applied on products that are already discounted nor on special product bundles.
- In case of an unlikely situation of a calculation error in the system, Traildog reserves the right to correct the given discount percent afterwards.
- If you would like to order a bigger quantity than we have in stock at the moment, we can make it happen for you. Just drop us a message!
Delivery times and item availability
- You can see the available quantity of each item on the product page
- Orders with in stock items only: are shipped immediately from our warehouse in Turku Finland.
- Orders including out of stock items: are shipped usually within 1-2 weeks, as soon as we get restock to our warehouse
- Items that are marked “sold out/loppuunmyyty” might have a bit longer delivery time than 1-2 weeks (not always!) and therefore adding them to cart is usually blocked at our webshop. In most cases, we can still place an order for you. Just email us your needs or use the contact form at the bottom of this page and we’ll do magic tricks :)
Buying in bulk or outside of current selection?
If you're an entrepreneur or just happen to need gear for tens of dogs, please feel free to tell your needs or ask for a quote via email. We also take product wishes as we constantly update our selection and want to serve you the best!
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